Kolopay Review: Online Saving Platform

Are you looking for the right way to save money for investment or to complete an ongoing mega project? You can always trust kolopay for your savings. The kolopay is available online and you can also access the platform via Kolopay app. With Kolopay, you contribute a particular sum of money and it is made available to you any time you need it. To save money is very easy on Kolopay, all you need is to follow the steps that will be discussed in this review.

What is Kolopay?

Kolopay is an online platform that helps you to achieve your goal by saving towards it. It involves saving money for a period of time to meet your financial target. The sole aim of this platform is to imbibe the culture of saving and to help those people save towards achieving their goals. The Kolopay is a totally free platform and it was established by Tech Innovation Limited. When you use this platform, you will be giving the opportunity to share your savings goal with your loved ones. Doing this will enable them contribute towards the achievement of your set goal. It will interest you to know that this platform pays you an interest rate of 6% yearly.

How to use Kolopay?

One of the advantages of kolopay is that it is very easy to use. Apart from the user-friendly platform, the site is very responsive and fast. You should be aware of the fact that you need to create an account on the platform before you can start saving. Here is the step-by-step guide on how you can set up your account and create a goal on kolopay.

  • Create an account

You create an account on Kolopay by supplying your email, name and phone number. You must make sure all the information you supplied is correct.

  • Set up a saving goal

The next stage after account creation is setting up your saving goal. Here, you will have the privilege of creating your first saving plan with the name of your goal. Not only that, you will set your withdrawal date as well as how much you plan to be saving.

  • Start savings

Once you have created an account and set up your saving goal, you can now start saving the proposed amount of money.  You can link your debit card to your saving plan.

  • Grow your savings

You will enjoy 6 percent interest on your savings

Features of kolopay

The features of Kolopay are listed as follow:

  • Autosave

This is the process of saving a fixed sum of money on regular basis. It might be daily, monthly, or weekly

  • Easysave

Easysave allows you to save any amount of money at your convenient time.

  • Kolo-share

This feature enables you to invite your loved ones to contribute towards achieving your goal. This is known as crowd fund.

  • Multiple goals

This platform allows you to set up your savings towards achieving more than one goal. Meaning that, you can plan your saving towards multiple goals at the same time.

  • Security

One of the advantages of this platform is security, your information is encrypted and all transactions are safe.